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with Steve Day

The Italian vibraphone master Sergio Armaroli has been producing a rush of albums for Leo Records over the last eighteen months. His collaboration with the English writer and poet Steve Day is arguably the most intense, a concentrated duet where they hone their collage down to the core ingredients, vibes & gongs plus words & speech. The proof is obvious to the ears, Armaroli is without doubt a creative maestro and Day lets a single word run with a multitude of meanings. Here at Leo Records we suggest you fill your ears.

Steve Day – Poet, Writer, Musician

Steve Day is immersed in poetry and music, from Ornette Coleman through to Yeats, Snyder, Plath, Dickinson and Heaney.  “Eventually you realise you are somewhere on your own and have to let them all go.” 

Steve moved to Devon in April 2021 after being based in Bristol for many years.  In the past he’s worked with a number of key poets - U.A. Fanthorpe, Evangeline Paterson, James Stallard, Julie Tippetts & Phil Madden.

His poetry publications include The Edge Of England, Curving Sentences, Pairing and his new 2022 book, Diamonds In Streams.  He has also written extensively on jazz - books, articles & liner notes; recorded eight albums for Leo Records (two with Keith Tippett). In 2022 Leo release a new duo album, Rib Music; nine poems integrated with bespoke improvisations by Italian master vibraphone player Sergio Armaroli.

The performance at the Alice Cross Centre is a prelude to a studio session for Discus Records featuring Steve Day and his long- term collaborator, the stunning bassist Julian Dale, in a version of their Day Evans Dale Ensemble.  DEDE will also be performing live in the coming months.  As well as Julian Dale, Steve is proud to be joined tonight by maestro reeds player Mark Langford. Mark has a huge portfolio in his own right. The mercurial Roger Hall is on gongs & percussion. Roger is a classy improviser of subtlety & nuance.

Tonight’s performance is dedicated to Steve’s partner, award-winning poet Jennie Osborne. In the coming months Osborne and Day will be playing a number of concerts, both in tandem and individually.  All profits from tonight’s event go to Refugee Support Devon. 


Sergio Armaroli is, first and foremost an absolute artist and including his work as a composer, percussionist, teacher and vibraphonist.  Whatever he touches reverberates through all of those creative fields with which he collaborates and in the world of music his most actively visited arena is that called jazz.  He even describes his work generally as instituted in the language of jazz and especially in improvisation.  This he considers to be an extension of the concept of art.  His artistic approach and application employ a wide range of communicative fields in his relentless pursuit of a unified experience.  Sergio also describes himself as a sound artist, painter, concrete percussionist, and fragmentary poet.I won’t deny the artistry of the solo works on the album, but the duos are exceptional and quite penetrating.  They offer a broadly ranging set of improvisations which formulate the aesthetic of the album, together with the literal core given by poet Steve Day’s phonations.  Some of these latter concoctions are, to me, redolent of Jack Bruce’s reproductions of works by Samuel Beckett under the aegis of Michael Mantler, though I don’t rate them on a par. Steve Day is quite forceful and he clearly means what he says or sings.  Jack Bruce went a step further: he took the words of Beckett and sang them as though they were his own.  Overall, the duos are quite confining and that is, to a certain degree, distressing if you really concentrate on the lyrics.  My introducing Bruce into my appraisal was simply to effect a comparison with regard to delivery.

Reviewed by Ken Cheetham

Op het uit nog kortere delen bestaande ‘Rib Music, horen we Amaroli ook op bekkens. Na ‘Electro Intro’ horen we in het titelstuk ‘Rib Music’ Steve Day met zijn eerste gedicht. Zijn ritmische wijze van spreken, boeiend gecombineerd met Amaroli’s klanken op de vibrafoon weet zonder meer te overtuigen. In ‘Lugano’ gaat het er meer beheerst aan toe, daar stoffeert Amaroli met ingetogen, lang uitwaaierende klanken Day’s boeiende gedicht. In ‘Armaroli’s Hand’ horen we de boeiende combinatie van vibrafoon en bekkens en breidt Day zijn repertoire uit met een grote variatie aan stemklanken. Onder andere in ‘Day’s Word (In The Night)’, ‘This Meal of Music’ en ‘After Before Words’ horen we Armaroli solo en het is vooral prachtig hoe hij in dat eerste stuk de resonantie van de vibrafoon inzet, terwijl het laatste stuk het moet hebben van de ritmische patronen. Hoogtepunten op dit album zijn verder het bijzondere ‘I Dance’, waarin de samenwerking tussen de twee musici een mooie climax bereikt en het intieme ‘Chrysalis Corpse’.

Geplaatst op 1 oktober 2022 door Ben Taffijn

Auteur par ailleurs des pochettes de ces deux en registrements, le vibraphoniste italien Sergio Armaroli poursuit ses quêtes et ses rencontres' En dehors de ses productions sur ie label italien Dodicilune, il bé- néficie depuis trois ans de 1'appui du label britannique Leo Records pour mettre ce11es-ci en ceuvre.

Rib Music est sans doute le plus singulier, d'abord par l'association de son instrument, parfois préparé (il tâte aussi du gong), et de ia voix du poète anglais Steve Day, mais aussi parce que Windows and Mirrors/Milano Dialogues retrace (en partie) un partenarrat déjà marqué par d'autres enregistrements.

Le poète, qui participe cl'ailleurs à plusieurs en registrements de ce même label, est intimement lié at jazz (il apparaît aux côtés des Blazing Flame, qui comprenaient Keith Tippett et Julie Tippetts, et écrivit les notes de pochette d'un Slava Ganelin et d'un Braxton), et 1'un de ses poèmes faisait office de notes de pochette d'un précédent opus du vibraphoniste italien, avec le batteur Roger Turner (Dance Steps). Ici, il adopte essentiellement ia voix récitée, déclamant ses poèmes de manière appuyée, avec une diction faisant ressortir ies articulations de ses textes. Il ny a que dans « Àrmaroli's Hand » qu'il emprunte 1e chant, usant d'une voix susurrée et gémissante'

Le jeu du percussionniste (opérant d'ailleurs seul sur cinq titres, dont « Electrolntro », offre des approches variées, tantôt sautillantes, tantôt plus caressantes, usant même dèffets répétitifs (« Buttohole for Buttlethead ») en jouant sur la résonance prolongée des lames de son instrument (in « Chrysalis Corpse '), ou en créant des effets presque planants (« I Dance »).

Pierre DURR